Tomorrow! Friday, 10 June at 6pm at the ICA London:
I’m convening the opening session of Choreographic Devices – a 3-day symposium developed by Murat Adash, Ofri Cnaani, and Edgar Schmitz, in dialogue with the ICA.
For my session I will be joined by 7 other artists looking at instances of dysfunctional spatial (and social) relations – in art and in life.
With these wonderful people: Augusto Corrieri, Critical Interruptions (Diana Damian Martin & Bojana Janković), Edwina Ashton, Florian Roithmayr, Harun Morrison, Lara Pawson, Rebecca Moss.
Around Apart Under Behind Through Ahead: A Partial Lexicon of Spatial Dysfunction
(Vlatka Horvat and invited guests)
Focused on rethinking built and social space as an inherently choreographic act, Vlatka Horvat’s A Partial Lexicon of Spatial Dysfunction brings the artist into dialogue with seven invited guests – artists, writers, performance makers – in an event that shifts dynamically between talks, readings, discursive presentations and performative actions. Interrogating the relation between space, objects and human interactions, especially at the point where spatial relations collapse or transform unexpectedly, Horvat’s unruly reflection on the spatial/choreographic in daily life both performs and at the same time elaborates theoretically on the ways in which normative spatial practice might be reordered to create new social, artistic and political possibilities.
Full symposium programme and booking here.