I’m just back (in Venice) from 24 hours in Vienna installing my work at Lombardi–Kargl. The show, titled You You, is curated by Kate Sutton and is part of curated_by, Vienna’s annual city-wide festival.
Earlier in the summer, Kate and I recorded a curated_by podcast episode, talking about my work in the show and a bunch of other things! The episode is available on the curated by website, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
You You
Curated by Kate Sutton
Gabriele Beveridge, Tenzing Dakpa, Katrina Daschner, David Fesl, Doris Guo, Vlatka Horvat, Ketty La Rocca, Mercedes Magrané, Mario Mu, Rosa Rendl
Opening days
September 13 and 14, 12.00 – 19.00
17.09. – 19.10.2024
part of curated by 2024, Untold Narratives
For further information visit